Host is not delegated

Пасха | Easter

Делегирование является необходимым условием работы сайта и почты на домене. После регистрации домена Вы можете указать список DNS-серверов для делегирования домена самостоятельно.

How the EU has supported education for refugee and their host communities in Turkey

Write us. Support chat. Open Access. Khodjaeva Matluba 2 ,.

Что значит Delegated или Not Delegated?
Releasing print jobs
Host is not delegated
Custom Domain or Subdomain Delegation in Marketing Cloud
Что означают статусы доменов
Delegating Domain Names
Secure and Efficient Delegation of Elliptic-Curve Pairing - поиск по сайту
База знаний

When you try to add a user delegate access to Exchange Server from Microsoft Outlook, you receive the following error message:. The Delegates settings were not saved correctly. Cannot activate send-on-behalf-of list. You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this operation on this object.

Что означают статусы доменов - Блог - HostZealot
Delegating Domain Names - RU-CENTER
Host is not delegated
dns delegation - Russian translation – Linguee - Поиск по сайту
Custom Domain or Subdomain Delegation in Marketing Cloud
Root Server Scaling Reports Released for Public Comment
XProtect Event Server crashes on launch.
How to Re-delegate Your Domain Name - База знаний - Host Best Web Solutions
Does not work domain of the Russian Federation, hosting

UCA Admin задал вопрос. When launching the event server, I see the tray icon pop up with a yellow square, then quits after a few seconds. Running R1. I found logs in the event viewer, not sure if there are logs elsewhere.

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